Enthusiastic leaders urgently needed for Limerick Girl Guides

The Irish Girl Guides are seeking new leaders.

GIRL Guides are living proof that you’re never to old to be a girl. The Guides don’t stop doing what they love at any age and the Irish Girl Guides movement has members aged five to 100 years old.

But to make sure the next generation of Guides can enjoy the fun and family of the movement, volunteer leaders are urgently needed.

“We have eight units that can’t re-open in Limerick because of a lack of leaders and, in the city alone, there are 20 girls on a waiting list to join up,” local co-ordinator Martina Hoctor told the Limerick Post.

Every unit needs at least three leaders to operate, taking into account child safeguarding policy and the need for rotation when leaders are unavailable because of other commitments, holidays, or illness.

Volunteers don’t necessarily have to be the ‘outdoorsey’ type, Martina explains.

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“There are lots of activities and badges – it could be in a craft, an artistic endeavour, and there are trips away, either outdoors or overnight  sleeping in indoor accommodation as well, but leaders can get involved in whichever aspects suit them,” Martina said.

“There’s no rule that says you have to sleep in a tent.”

The Guides retain their policy of all females, with Martina adding that people who are transitioning are welcome.

Martina has had the Guides bug for 30 years, having started as a little girl and gone on to become a leader.

“People make friends for life in the Guides. It’s a safe, welcoming environment, and I think being an all-female environment helps,” she said.

There’s no huge amount of homework involved in qualifying as a leader, with all of the necessary courses online as well as in-person and leaders can opt for first-aid training if they wish.

A minimum commitment of one to two hours a week is what is asked for and leaders are supported in all their training and fun with the girls.

Guide meetings are usually held on weekdays.

“I would say to anyone thinking about volunteering: Come along and have a look at what we do and see what you might be able to do,” petitioned Martina. “You might surprise yourself.”

More information is available from [email protected]
