AN update has been sought from Fine Gael councillor Dan McSweeney on 24 proposed housing units at Barnakyle in Patrickswell.
Cllr McSweeney, a native of Patrickswell, was particularly interested in progress in a request by Council members in 2022 that 50 per cent of these units be made available for purchase under the Affordable Purchase Scheme.
The current unit mix for the Barnakyle development consists of eight two-bed units, 11 three-bed units, and five four-bed units.
Cllr McSweeney was informed at the March Metropolitan District meeting that, in terms of project progress, the development is currently at Stage 3 under the Social Housing Capital Investment Scheme.
The Council revealed that tender drawings were completed last September, and they are presently awaiting the connection agreement for Uisce Éireann before advancing further.
“A significant redesign was undertaken in March 2022, following initial approval of Stage 2 by the Department. This redesign was the request of an elected member to incorporate provisions for elderly housing and homes suited for incremental purchase – starter home purchase scheme targeted at working HAP/RAS tenants,” Senior Engineer for the Council’s Housing Construction Unit Brendan Kidney explained.
A revised Stage 2 submission was subsequently approved by the Department of Housing in July 2022 with the Part 8 planning process commencing in September the same year.
Mr Kidney noted from the minutes of the meeting where the Part 8 was decided a specific query was made by councillors seeking the Council to apply to the Department to allow for 50 per cent of this development to be designated as affordable funding for this scheme.
“The Housing Construction Unit are advancing this project through the Social Housing Capital Investment Scheme. Should a review be undertaken to assess if 50 per cent of the scheme be considered eligible for the Affordable Housing Fund, it would require a number of checks,” he said.
*The printed version of this story in the Limerick Post this week (March 29) contained an error reflecting that this development was in Pallaskenry, rather than Patrickswell. The Limerick Post apologises for the confusion.