WHERE there’s a will, there’s a way. That was the message to the Council’s library service from Social Democrats councillor Shane Hickey-O’Mara as he threw the book at them over the lack of a home delivery service.
Speaking at the March Metropolitan District meeting, Cllr Hickey-O’Mara urged Limerick libraries to adopt a home delivery service similar to that of other local authorities around the country.
This, he maintained, would be of benefit to residents who are unable to visit their local library due to illness, reduced mobility, or disability.
“This idea is not an original one by any means. It is, like most of the motions I brought forward over the past months, inspired by conversations with Limerick residents and fuelled by the realisation that other local authorities offer services such as this all over the country,” the City North representative explained.
Cllr Hickey-O’Mara told Council members that local authorities in Fingal, South County Dublin, Dublin City, Cork City, and Wexford already provide this home delivery service to their customers.
“Limerick people deserve the same standard of quality public services as people in other parts of the country. That’s what this motion is about. I don’t see why it can’t be rolled out, or at least trialled, here in Limerick to make sure that everyone has access to their public service,” he opined.
Limerick City and County Council’s library service, Cllr Hickey-O’Mara was informed, provides a comprehensive service to urban and rural populations over an extensive geographical area.
“The service includes 16 library branches and a mobile library. This level of service compares favourably with other city and county library services across the country,” said City and County Librarian Damien Brady.
In relation to residents who are unable to visit their local library, Mr Brady explained that the library service offers a “house bound service” from their nearest convenient library or mobile stop.
“When a person requests this service, we ask them to nominate a friend or family member to collect their library items on their behalf. It is a practical, simple, and cost effective solution to this demand,” he said.
Mr Brady added that feedback nationally “is that there is not a high level of expressed demand for a home delivery service”.
“Our experience is that the current Limerick offer addresses the need for a house bound service for Limerick, within the library resources available,” Mr Brady said.
The Social Democrats councillor was not at all happy with this reply, asking: “Why can’t we just have this on offer so somebody can ring and go, ‘Is there a chance that you can drop over a book for me, or drop over a book for my kid or my grandmother?’”
Mr Brady, who has 34 years experience as a librarian with the local authority, replied that “the cost of introducing this service is a vehicle, €60,000, fuel, insurance, tax and service, being a couple of grand a year; a driver, €40,000; a senior library system, €50,000. The logistics of a doorstep service in a city and county the size of Limerick, with an area of 1,000 square miles, include a lot of cost, a lot of travelling, and little demand nationally, for a service that people aren’t looking for.”