O’Donnell welcomes vital road announcement for Castletroy

Minister Kieran O’Donnell and Fine Gael TD Peter Doyle.

CASTLETROY-based Fine Gael TD and Minister of State for Older People, Kieran O’Donnell, along with local Fine Gael councillor Peter Doyle have welcomed the confirmation that the planning application has been submitted to An Bord Pleanála by Limerick City and County Council for a new distributor road, the Castletroy-Groody Link Road.

This is a project that Minister O’Donnell and Cllr Doyle say they have been working on over a number of years, which links the Golf Links Road from the Schoolhouse Road junction in Castletroy with the Groody Road providing much needed new road infrastructure in the area.

Minister Kieran O’Donnell said: “I am pleased to confirm along with my Castletroy-based Fine Gael Local Cllr Peter Doyle that the planning application is being submitted to An Bord Pleanála by Limerick City and County Council for a new distributor road, the Castletroy Link Road.”

“This is a vital road infrastructure project that Cllr Doyle and I have been advocating for over a number of years, which will connect the Golf Links Road from the Schoolhouse Road junction in Castletroy with the Groody Road. It will provide much needed connectivity to the Ballysimon Road area that has seen significant growth and investment in recent years with major construction underway on a number of developments currently.


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“I welcome that funding for the project to progress to the planning stages is being provided to the Active Travel team in Limerick City and County Council via the National Transport Authority (NTA)”.

The proposed road, a distance of approximately 680m in length, will be a distributor road consisting of a 9.7m wide (approx) carriageway. This carriageway is proposed to be made up of: a 6.2m main carriageway (consisting of 2 x 3.1m traffic lanes); a 3.5m wide bus lane; footpaths; a segregated cycle track; and planted verges with road embankment side slopes.

Fine Gael councillor Peter Doyle said: “As the local Fine Gael Councillor living in the area, Minister Kieran O’Donnell and I are particularly pleased that the Castletroy link road is now advancing to the planning phase by Limerick City and County Council.”

“This project has been a priority for the us over a long period and we are acutely aware of the need for this new access road for the Castletroy area and we will continue to ensure it advances in the quickest time possible.”

Minister O’Donnell continued: “The Council have confirmed that the a copy of the plans will be made available for inspection online at mypoint.limerick.ie and at Limerick City and County Council offices, Merchant’s Quay, Limerick, V94 EH90 and at the Planning and Environmental Services Department, Limerick City and County Council Offices, Dooradoyle Road, Limerick, V94 WV78 from Monday 3rd March to Thursday 17th April, 2025.”

“I wish to thank the Council team for their work on this road project to date and we look forward to seeing it progress through the planning stage and onto construction as quickly as possible.”


