Minister O’Donovan announces €1.5million in funding for Culture Ireland’s promotion of Irish arts globally

Minister Patrick O'Donovan.

LIMERICK’S Minister for Arts, Media, Communications, Culture and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan has this week announced funding of over €1.5m for the promotion of Irish arts globally through Culture Ireland’s Regular Grants Programme.

The funding will benefit 192 projects taking place in over 34 countries, covering circus, dance, film, literature, music, theatre and visual arts.

Announcing the grants, Minister O’Donovan said: “As the Minister for Arts, Media, Communications, Culture and Sport, it gives me great pleasure to announce this round of Culture Ireland funding of over €1.5m, the highest single grant round in the history of the organisation now celebrating its twentieth year.

“These projects demonstrate the true diversity of contemporary Irish arts and will generate new opportunities and audiences, enabling Irish artists to achieve the international recognition they deserve.  Over the past 20 years Culture Ireland has supported thousands of Irish artists to develop their international careers with funding of over €84m provided in total. In 2024 alone, Culture Ireland supported over 5,500 individuals to present their work in over 50 countries to audiences in excess of 6.7m people.”


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Projects include The Specky Clark Tour by Oona Doherty, the Santa Barbara International, Chicago Irish Film Festival, Toronto Irish
Film Festival, the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Auckland
Writers Festival and musical artists such as Sorcha Richardson, Gurriers, Brigid Mae Power, And So I Watch You From Afar, Oisín Leech, Adrian Crowley and Hermitage Green.
