A RESOLUTION may be in sight for a row over the future use of the former Sisters of Mercy Convent in Cappamore, which saw local parents stage a vigil in freezing cold conditions at Christmas.
Neighbouring Scoil Chaitriona has long had its sights on developing the former convent building for an autism unit and yard space, but before Christmas, staff were told that the Coolmine Community, which provides invaluable services to addicts in recovery, had agreed to lease the building.
Locals and staff at the school staged a vigil outside the building in protests at the owners, Cappamore Housing Association, agreeing to lease it to a third party.
This week, Cappamore Housing Association CLG issued a statement announcing that the short-term lease of its property at the former Convent Residence is now ceased and the leaseholder, Coolmine Therapeutic Centre Ltd, are relinquishing their short-term tenancy.
“The Cappamore Housing Association CLG wishes the professional staff of Coolmine and their service users well in their recovery journey. We have worked tirelessly, quietly and with dignity to achieve a reasonable solution for the Parish community as well as the mothers and children concerned and we are pleased with the outcome,” the statement said.
CLG thanked everyone involved in reaching a result. “We have always supported the provision of a state of the art Autism Suite for Scoil Chaitríona School and continue to do so. We support the provision of extra playground space for the school, which we offered to the school in 2021, but which has not yet been taken up,” CLG said.
“The Cappamore Housing Association CLG now hopes that the Board of Management of Scoil Chaitríona will commence engagement with us on their wish to expand the school facilities”.
CLG said it is looking forward to discussing how the property may assist with the future developments at Scoil Chaitríona.
“Subject to appropriate processes which will take time to achieve, we will continue to work hard for the successful conclusion of this project to enhance the facilities for the children of the school community.
“We continue with our mission to provide Social residential accommodation for the elderly within the Parish at the former creamery site and we ask all in the community to support us in these endeavours. We acknowledge all the voluntary work undertaken so far by many in the community in bringing our housing project to nearing completion,” the statement said.