Limerick schools named winners in Someone Like Me art competition

The Catherine McCauley Special School took home a prize in the Someone Like Me art competition.

CREATIVE pupils at local Limerick schools have been named as the county-level winners in the national Someone Limerick Me art competition.

The Catherine McCauley Special School and Scoil An Spioraid Naomh were announced respectively as the junior and senior winners for County Limerick in the competition, which is run each year by the National Disability Authority.

The two local schools will join 50 other schools from across Ireland in the national final, which offers a prize of €500 in each category.

Now in its ninth year, the competition aims to foster positive attitudes towards people with disabilities and has seen 25,000 students nationwide take part to date.


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The national final of this year’s competition will take place on January 28 at Dublin City Hall.
