Granagh Players will Send ‘Em Home Sweating

Granagh Players continue their rehearsals this week.

The Granagh Players are delighted to announce their 2025 production, Send ‘Em Home Sweating, an adaptation of The Carnival of Glenaduff by Padraic McIntyre. The play promises an evening full of laughs, heart, and community spirit.

Performances will take place in Granagh Community Hall (Eircode V35 C584) over two weekends: January 24, 25, and 26, as well as January 31, February 1, and 2. 

A shop and raffle will run each night, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Rehearsals are well underway despite a recent snowfall briefly slowing progress. This week, the cast has been delving into the second act, where the local carnival organisers—Packie, Michael, Tony, and Andy—prepare for the big night. 

Their antics, including Tony and Michael mischievously coaching the ever-innocent Andy on the “rule of three,” promise to leave audiences in stitches. Under the stern watch of Fr. Flynn, this dynamic group will undoubtedly be a highlight of the production.

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The Granagh Players encourage patrons to attend the first weekend to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, as the second weekend often draws a full house. 

Early arrival is advised, with doors closing at 7.45pm sharp. Tea and coffee will be available from the shop before the performance begins.

The community received sad news this week of the passing of Joe Noonan, a beloved former member of the Granagh Players, who performed in Sive, The Field, and Poor Beast in the Rain. Fondly remembered for his warmth and humour, Joe’s absence will be deeply felt by the cast and the wider parish. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.
