THE winners were announced in the Team Limerick Clean-Up (TLC) Decorate a BIG TLC Tree competition, with a number of schools across the city and county taking home prizes for their tree-mendous work.
The competition asked pupils across the county to decorate a big Christmas tree with recyclable materials to raise awareness of TLC’s mission and to highlight the importance of protecting the environment amongst younger generations.
Prizes were given in a number of categories, including junior, intermediate, senior, while there was also a prize in the category for the best additional educational needs.
In the junior category, first prize went to the stars in the junior infants class at St Fergus NS in Glin, headed by Ms Fitzgerald and Ms Healy. Second prize went to Ms O’Dea’s junior and senior infants in Cloverfield NS, while third prize went to the junior and senior infants class in Kilcoran NS, taught by Ms Balfry and Ms Gleeson.
In the intermediate category, the top prize went to Ms Laffan and Ms NcNamara’s third class from Scoil Iosagain in Hospital. Second prize went to the second, third, and fourth classes in Knocklong NS, led by Ms Fogarty, while third place went to the second and sixth class groups in Christ the King, Caherdavin, led by Ms Waters.
In the senior category, Scoil Mocheallóg took the top two prizes, with first place going to Ms Brady and Ms Twomey’s sixth class, while second place went to Ms Rea’s fifth class. Third place went to Kilmeedy NS, led by Karen, Nodlaig, Cora, and Avril.
In the additional educational needs category, first prize went to Thomond Primary School’s Seomra Glas, led by Ms Healy. Second place went to the autism class at Scoil Iosagain CBS, with Ms Fitzgibbon, while in third place was Ms Corcoran’s class from the Mid West School for the Deaf.
First place winners in each category were treated to a meeting at the International Rugby Experience with TLC co-founders JP McManus and Helen O’Donnell, as well as Limerick senior hurling manager John Kiely.
TLC co-founder JP McManus said that the organisation was “delighted to present the winning class groups with their prizes for TLC’s Christmas tree competition”.
“We had 54 primary schools take part and would like to thank all the teachers and staff for facilitating this competition among their pupils. It is great to see younger generations learning more about the environment and the importance of keeping Limerick clean and tidy,” Mr McManus said.