Vaccine callout in Limerick as peak flu season approaches

The Patient Council is urging for people to protect themselves this winter by getting the covid-19 and flu vaccines.

WITH the peak time approaching for viruses which can cause major problems for some and for others, at very least, cast a pall over Christmas, patient representatives are calling on everyone across Limerick and the Mid West to protect themselves and others by getting vaccinated for flu and Covid-19 this winter.

We are now in the height of cold and flu season as the weather spreads a chill across the county and the rain and wind start to hit a little harder.

John Hannafin, chairman of the UL Hospitals Group Patient Council, said both vaccines were free for recommended groups.

“Both flu and Covid-19 vaccines are recommended for people aged 60 and over, healthcare workers, anyone who is pregnant, or has a long-term health condition. Both vaccines are available from participating GPs and pharmacies and can be given at the same time.”


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Mr Hannafin was speaking at one of the many healthcare worker vaccination clinics taking place at University Hospital Limerick and other acute and community healthcare facilities across the Mid West.

HSE vaccination teams will also provide vaccines for people living in residential care facilities, as well as housebound patients.

“I was encouraged to see so many healthcare workers taking up the offer of a vaccine at UHL. Members of the public can also play their part by getting vaccinated for both flu and Covid-19. In so doing, they are protecting themselves and the most vulnerable by decreasing demand on our health services in the coming weeks,” Mr Hannafin said.
