RENOWNED Limerick writer, filmmaker, and podcaster Blindboy Boatclub was recently presented with an Honorary Fellow Award from the Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology “in recognition of his impact and engagement with diverse audiences on topics spanning mental health, creativity, politics, mythology, culture, politics, and history”.
According to IADT, the widely lauded Limerick so has had an immensely positive influence on education and social engagement through his work.
But one local councillor swears he has never heard of the Horse Outside star.
During a motion on men’s mental health from Social Democrats councillor Shane Hickey O’Mara at a recent meeting of Limerick City and County Council, the talented Limerick sage, formerly of The Rubberbandits, was mentioned for his positive contribution to highlighting this important issue.
However, according to 34-year-old Fine Gael councillor Adam Teskey, he hadn’t the foggiest notion who Blindboy was. He never heard of him.
“Who is Blindboy?” Cllr Teskey beseeched his evidently more hip Social Democrat council colleague.
“I’m being serious. I find it fascinating at times that people come in here and reference these people. Like these Blindboys and these other ones that are going around the place.”
Fine Gael party colleague Cllr Dan McSweeney suggested he take out his phone and “Google it”.
When the Limerick Post contacted Cllr Teskey to enquire about his lack of knowledge of the award-winning Limerick author, satirist, and documentarian, he said that “he grew up in the era of the late Jon Kenny and Pat Shortt, “two great comedians who were known at the time in their great double act as the D’Unbelievables”.
“Obviously times have changed and are moving on in spite of me,” said Cllr Teskey, who was born in 1990.
“I would have thought that when making reference to an individual that at least we could make reference to his or her real name. Our Council business and meetings at least deserve that much respect,” he said of the comic artist famed for wearing a bag over his head to maintain his privacy.
“I’ll have to do a little more homework and catching up with who’s who,” Cllr Teskey concluded.