“WE are delighted to announce the 6th Limerick Santa Cycle, so why not come and join in the festive fun while helping a local charity which is very close to all our hearts in Monaleen – Monaleen Cancer Support Group.”
That was the call from the local cancer support group that was established to help individuals and families in Monaleen to cope with matters arising from cancer.
This year’s Santa Cycle will kick off from The Hurlers on the Dublin Road in Castletroy and continue through the city by way of the Parkway roundabout, Island Road, Kings John’s Castle, Clancy Strand, O’Callaghan Strand, Shannon Bridge, Bishop’s Quay, Harvey’s Quay, Honan’s Quay, and then back out the Dublin Road to finish at The Hurlers.
The cycle is suitable for all and is a fun event, organisers said. Santa suits and festive lights for the bike will be provided on the night.
Finger food and refreshments after the cycle will be provided in The Hurlers bar.
Over 16s only. There will be prizes on the night for those that register early, for the best Santa costumes, and also the most lit up bike.
More information and registration on eventbrite.com/e/limerick-santa-cycle-2024-tickets-1040063486887.
Donations can also be made on https://www.gofundme.com/f/limerick-santa-cycle-2024