FOLLOWING yesterday’s public ballot, which didn’t pass without controversy, democracy was once again in action this morning as the count got into full swing for General Election 2024 at Limerick Racecourse.
Almost 300 ballot boxes arrived at the racecourse count centre last night from across both the Limerick City and Limerick County constituencies. From 9am this morning, the count got underway as the boxes were opened and unleashed upon the eager count staff – who will be under the strict watchful eye of the candidates and the public throughout the weekend count.
There are 17 candidates going head to head for the four seats in the Limerick City constituency, however many commentators have said that the real race is for just one seat, with three of the current incumbents expected by some to be returned without too much difficulty.
Candidates in the city include Esther Aherne, Independent Ireland; Cllr Sarah Beasley, Aontú; Senator Maria Byrne, Fine Gael; Melanie Cleary, Independent/Mid West Hospital Campaign; Cllr Frankie Daly, Independent; Ruairí Fahy, People Before Profit; Senator Paul Gavan, Sinn Féin; Michelle Hayes, Independent; Deputy Brian Leddin, Green Party; Dean Lillis, Independent; Deputy Willie O’Dea, Fianna Fáil; Deputy Kieran O’Donnell, Fine Gael; Cllr Elisa O’Donovan, Social Democrat; Deputy Maurice Quinlivan, Sinn Féin; Dean Quinn, The Irish People; Dee Ryan, Fianna Fáil; and Cllr Conor Sheehan, Labour Party.
The race to be elected the county will be event tighter, with many expecting little change at all in the current three-seat constituency, where 15 candidates are contesting.
The candidates there are Jim Barrett, Independent; Cllr Bridie Collins, Fianna Fáil; Joanne Collins, Sinn Féin; Deputy Niall Collins, Fianna Fáil; Richie Crehan, Independent; Laura Fahy, People Before Profit; Rob O’Donnell, Green Party; Deputy Richard O’Donoghue, Independent Ireland; Deputy Patrick O’Donovan, Fine Gael; Donna O’Loughlin, Irish Freedom Party; Lorraine O’Sullivan, The Irish People; Michael Ryan, Aontú; April Sheehan Corkery, Independent; Cllr Noreen Stokes, Fine Gael; and Gerben Uunk, Party For Animal Welfare.
There was some controversy over ballots in the city yesterday evening as the Limerick Post first revealed a faux pas that could possibly result in some candidates calling for a re-vote.
Electoral law states that candidates must be listed on the ballot paper in alphabetical order, but voters in Limerick City were asked on Friday to cast their votes in order of preference on a ballot paper which put Sinn Féin’s Maurice Quinlivan and Dean Quinn (The Irish People party) ahead of Willie O’Dea (FF) and Elisa O’Donovan (Social Democrats), who come higher up in an alphabetic run.
Candidates who believe their finishing position after the count could be adversely affected by the mistake could be entitled to demand a re-vote.
Some speculated that the error could have put a delay on proceedings at the count centre this morning. However, it was confirmed at the count centre this morning that Returning Officer Rita Considine was aware of the print error but was satisfied that the count could proceed as planned.
The action will unfold across today and the rest of the weekend at Limerick Racecourse. Stay with limerickpost.ie for more as it happens.