Social Democrats councillor calls for green roofs to be added to city bus shelters

Cllr Elisa O'Donovan, Social Democrats. Photo: Cian Reinhardt

SOCIAL Democrats councillor Elisa O’Donovan has called on Limerick City and County Council to incorporate green roofs in bus shelters in the Metropolitan District.

Speaking at the monthly area meeting, Cllr O’Donovan told Council members that a green roof is a vegetated roof system that provides a range of benefits to urban areas.

“It helps improve air quality, it reduces noise pollution, and it absorbs and filters rainwater,” she explained.

In response, councillors were informed that the current suite of bus shelter structures which are provided by the National Transport Authority (NTA) cannot incorporate a green roof.


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“The NTA is currently investigating the potential for a green roof option in future bus shelter structures in urban environments,” the Council stated.
