Q. My father is very unwell in hospital. His doctors tell us he will require full-time care when he gets out, I am consider becoming his carer. What supports are there for me if I take on this role?
A. I am sure this is a very worrying time for you and your family, we wish your dad well. In terms of support from the State, there are fortunately a number of options to you.
The Carer’s Allowance is a payment to people on low incomes caring full-time for a person who needs support because of their age, disability or illness (including mental illness).
To be eligible for carer’s allowance, there are three elements to the assessment. Firstly, does the person require full-time care? Secondly, are you as a carer going to be providing 35+hours of care a week, and what type of care are you providing? Lastly, there is a means test based on income and savings.
You can have up to €50,000 in savings as a single person and €100,000 as a couple to be eligible, and a weekly income of €450 for a single person (€900 for a couple) to be eligible for the full payment.
In January this limit moves to €625 for a single person and €1,250 for a couple.
Half carers, if you are already receiving some social welfare payments, it is possible to also claim half rate carer’s allowance on top of your existing payment, provided you are delivering the required 35+ hours of care.
Carer’s Benefit is a non-means tested payment available to those who meet certain PRSI conditions, who may need to leave work or reduce their hours to care for a person or people in need of full-time care. The same 35 hours of care applies.
This can be paid for a period of two years for each person being cared for and may be claimed over separate periods. From January 2025 , this has been extended to self-employed people.
The Carer’s support grant is an annual payment made automatically to those in receipt of carer’s allowance, carer’s benefit, or the domiciliary care allowance. However, it is also possible to apply for as a stand-alone grant if you are providing the minimum 35 hours of care and not in receipt of the one of the listed payments. In 2025, the grant will be worth €2,000.
Limerick Citizens Information Centre answer your questions in the Limerick Post. If you have a question relating to social welfare issues, tenant or consumer rights, immigration, money, tax, housing, or employment, email [email protected], call 0818 075 780, or drop in to Riverstone House, Henry Street, V93 T28.