Local councillor calls for Council to carry out verge trimming

Councillor John O'Donoghue.

INDEPENDENT councillor John O’Donoghue called on Limerick City and County Council to implement verge trimming on a year-round basis on all roads under its control.

In response to Cllr O’Donoghue, at a recent Adare-Rathkeale District meeting, the Council revealed that Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993 places responsibility for the maintenance of roadside hedges on the owners/occupiers of the adjoining lands.

“The responsibility for the maintenance of roadside verges rest with the local authority,” Senior Executive Engineer Ger O’Connor explained.

“Generally, given the extensive road network and funding issues, it is Council policy that cutting verges has a low priority compared with other road maintenance elements,” he added.
