Gardaí preparing file after man arrested over alleged harassment of University of Limerick staff member

University of Limerick.

GARDAÍ are preparing a case file for the Director of Public Prosecutions, which will determine whether a man arrested in connection with alleged harassment of a member of staff at thee University of Limerick may or may not face charges.

In response to questions from this reporter concerning the University of Limerick, a Garda spokeswoman responded: “An Garda Síochána in Limerick is conducting a criminal investigation into alleged harassment of a member of staff at an educational establishment in Munster.”

The Garda spokeswoman said that “as part of this investigation, An Garda Síochána recently arrested an individual”.

“They were released without a charge and a file has been sent to the DPP,” she added.

“An Garda Síochána does not comment on the detail of on-going investigations,” the Garda spokeswoman concluded.

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A spokesman for the University of Limerick said that “UL has no comment to make”.
