THERE were 191 children homeless and in emergency accommodation in the Mid West in the last week of July, along with 517 adults, bringing the total homeless figures to 708.
This is the highest figures so far this year and a massive jump on the numbers for the same period in June, when there were 499 adults and 188 children recorded as homeless across the region.
Most of those are recorded as homeless in Limerick, according to official government figures based on people accessing emergency accommodation of every type on dates between July 22 and 28.
The national figure saw 10,028 adults accessing homeless services.
The government report revealed that of the 517 adults reported as living in emergency accommodation in the Mid West, 301 were men and 216 were women.
The majority of those reflected in the Mid West homeless figures were in Limerick (442), living in hostels, hotels, or other forms of emergency accommodation, with 75 reported in neighbouring Clare.
The report does not take into account the hidden homeless staying with friends, family, or on the streets. It also does not include refugees or asylum seekers in emergency accommodation.
The majority of those adults recorded were in the 25 to 44 age group (286), while 11 people over the age of 65 had to resort to homeless accommodation.