College of FET learner Aimee Levey talks about her experience studying Sports Injury Management at Kilmallock Road Campus.
With the Olympics still on the minds of many and the Paralympics on the horizon, millions of people are marvelling at the impressive talents of athletes from all over the world in all manner of disciplines.
While these talented athletes make their chosen sport look effortless, the truth is the threat of injury is always present and ready to thwart any athlete’s dreams of glory.
Supporting and maintaining the fitness of every athlete is crucial. But it’s not just professional athletes who need this type of support; the popularity of sports in our everyday lives means that anyone engaging in sporting activities risks suffering an injury.
With the global sports science market currently calculated to be worth around €6billion in 2024 and expected to reach around €10billion by 2033, it’s not surprising that the study of sports injury management has become so popular.
For anyone hoping to pursue a career in this area, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board’s College of FET offers a multitude of sports programmes including Sports Injury Management, Sports, Recreation and Exercise and Strength and Conditioning.
Aimee Levey is a learner at College of FET Kilmallock Road Campus, studying Sports Injury Management, which she believes has empowered her with the skills she needs to pursue a career in injury management and training.
“I’ve already completed a Bachelor’s and a Master’s but this programme has given me more practical, hands-on, certified experience before entering the workforce. It’s great because you learn about physiology, anatomy, and sports massage techniques,” she says.
The programme is designed for those keen to strengthen their knowledge and expertise in the dynamic field of sports science, where learning how to manage sports injuries correctly can help minimise any damage to joints and muscles and increase the chance of a full recovery for athletes.
“I’ve learned how to develop my own resistance and flexibility circuits and how to teach them. There are so many different elements to learn about. So, if you want to become a personal trainer, this course is very helpful,” Aimee said.
For more inspiration when it comes to a career in Sports Injury Management and to learn more about the wide range of full and part-time programmes at College of FET’s Mulgrave Street and Kilmallock Road Campuses log onto collegeofFET.ie/mulgrave