Planning signs reading positive for new MIC library

Mary Immaculate College.

A LIMERICK third-level educational institution have been given planning permission to build a new library for its students after attempts from residents in the area to close the book on the proposed facility.

Mary Immaculate College (MIC) was awarded planning permission by Limerick City and County Council to build the new library, but the decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála by the residents of nearby Summerville Avenue.

MIC had applied to redevelop its existing library with a new four-storey library building to include a learning and resource centre.

The residents of Summerville Avenue had previously lodged an appeal to An Bord Pleanála against the proposed library for MIC students on the grounds that the development would be contrary to the Limerick Development Plan, that it would take away from their residential amenity of the area, and that the development may take away the habitat for native species that are native to the area.


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The planning appeals board opted not to uphold the objections, and granted permission to Mary Immaculate Collete to demolish and redevelop its student library, subject to 10 conditions.

Conditions imposed by An Bord Pleanála include stipulations around the hours that work can take place on the site, that all the recommendations of a bat survey undertaken be adhered to so that there is no loss of habitat, and that a minimum of 10 per cent of all the car parking spaces built as part of the development be equipped for electric vehicle charging.
