IT IS currently taking Limerick City and County Council an average of 160 days (approximately five months) from close of sale to completion of refurbishment works to properties on the Tenant in Situ Scheme.
This was a response to a question from Fianna Fáil councillor Catherine Slattery at this month’s Metropolitan District meeting.
Cllr Slattery had asked about the timelines and cost in refurbishing and repairing local authority housing properties on the Tenant in Situ Scheme.
Senior Engineer of the Council’s Housing Construction and Maintenance Directorate, Brendan Kidney, explained that the Department of Housing funds both the acquisition and refurbishment of properties under the scheme.
Cllr Slattery was also informed that refurbishment works specifically include essential repairs and safety works to bring a property up to rental standards as set out in Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations 2019.
“The Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage expect recoupment claims for refurbishment works after works have been carried out to be submitted to them within six months of the acquisition closing its sale,” said Mr Kidney.