It’s not rocket science to vote for Limerick man’s astro pic

'Aurora over Poulnabrone' by Alan Hartigan.

LIMERICK astro-photographer Alan Hartigan has been selected for the next stage of the prestigious ‘Reach for the Stars’ astrophotography competition run by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS).

The competition aims to find the best astro-photographs taken in Ireland over the past year.

Alan, from Corbally, has been shortlisted in the ‘Back on Earth – Landmark’ category for his image, ‘Aurora over Poulnabrone‘.

While a high-profile judging panel will select the overall winning entries in the coming weeks, an online vote was launched so members of the public can also have their say.

All shortlisted images can now be viewed on the Reach for the Stars website (, where members of the public can cast their vote for their favourite image.

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Over 230 images were submitted to the competition in total this year – the most ever received – with 50 selected for the shortlist and public vote.

The winning images selected by the judging panel and the public vote will be announced in July, and an outdoor exhibition will be staged by DIAS to showcase the best images.

Alongside the winner of the Public Choice Award, the overall winners will be chosen by the judging panel.

Dr Eucharia Meehan, CEO and registrar of DIAS, said: “The online public vote to select the winner of the Public Choice Award is a chance for the public to have their say in this year’s top astro-photographs. The online exhibition is a great opportunity for people to learn about our solar system, the galaxies around us, and what lies in the night sky.”

Votes for the Public Choice Award are restricted to one vote per person and voting will close at midday on July 5 2024.
