Limerick Chamber’s Regional Business Awards open to new talent

The Limerick Chamber building on O'Connell Street in Limerick City.

LIMERICK Chamber has announced the 13th consecutive annual Regional Business Awards, the largest business gathering in the Mid West, inviting submissions for would-be winners across eight categories.

The categories this year include the Sustainability Leadership Award, Best Emerging Business, Best Not-for-Profit, Best SME Award, Best Employer: Champion of Employee Wellbeing and Development, Innovation Impact Business Award, Best Contribution to the Community, and the Excellence in Customer Experience Award.

The awards will be hosted in the Limerick Strand Hotel on November 15, attracting over 400 business people from across the Mid West.

Tickets will be on sale from September to October. 

Sean Lally, general manager of the Strand Hotel – which won the Best Retail and Hospitality Business Award in 2014 – said he “would strongly recommend any local business who is considering entering these awards to do so, the associated PR and local recognition associated with this award is one to be very proud of”. 

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In 2017 Limerick Chamber also recognised Limerick Suicide Watch for its contributions as a voluntary sector organization.

“We are extremely honoured and humbled to receive this award and we hope it will help raise more awareness to mental health and get people talking to one another. A problem shared is a problem halved”, said group member Shirley Johnson.

Candidates can enter this year’ Regional Business awards on and submit an application, with no requirement for chamber membership.
