UL Student Life raises cash for local charities

Incoming and outgoing Student Officer Team together with Roisin Aherne Health and Wellbeing Worker at GOSHH, Verena Tarpey CEO at GOSHH, Student President Ronan Cahill, Joan Forde and Ernesto Batista Limerick Suicide Watch. Photo: Keith Wiseman

UL STUDENT Life, the student representative body at the University of Limerick, presented €10,000 to two local charities at an informal ceremony reception at University of Limerick.

GOSHH (Gender, Orientation, Sexual Health, HIV) and Limerick Suicide Watch each received €5,000, which was raised by UL students through a number of events as part of this year’s Charity Week (formerly known as RAG Week).

The annual fundraising event saw over 6,000 students take pary in a weeklong array of daytime events and fundraising activities supporting both charity partners.

GOSHH focuses on the promotion of equality and wellbeing of all with a positive and respectful approach to sexual orientation and gender diversity.


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Verena Tarpey, GOSHH CEO thanked UL Student Life and the student body for their generosity. Welcoming the donation, Verena noted that GOSHH “rely on fundraising to help keep our doors open”.

“The amount we receive today will go towards a new campaign we’re launching on sexual health and STI testing, targeted towards the cohort of third level students in particular.”

Limerick Suicide Watch are a suicide prevention group based in Limerick City, made up of 60 volunteers who patrol the bridges and the banks of the River Shannon at night, helping people who are in distress or who may be experiencing suicidal ideation.

Joan Forde, one of the longest serving members of group, said the charity is always updating the vital equipment they need to patrol the river, and the kind donation will help purchase a new set of radios for the team.
