Local election candidate says wellness hubs are key to mental health crisis in Limerick

Limerick City North local elections hopeful Suzzie O'Deniyi.

FIANNA Fáil local election candidate for City North, Suzzie O’Deniyi, has called for funding to create wellness hubs with cafés throughout Limerick as a form of suicide prevention in the community.

The healthcare professional said there is an urgent need for the government to implement preventative mental health measures, such as wellness hubs, to help people in Limerick who are struggling with their mental health.

Highlighting the role of social spaces in promoting mental wellbeing, Ms O’Deniyi proposed the integration of cafés within wellness hubs to create inviting environments where individuals can access support and resources while enjoying a cup of coffee or a meal.

By combining relaxation and rejuvenation with mental health services, these hubs, she believes, can serve as inclusive spaces that foster connection and healing for all members of the community.

“We must rethink traditional approaches to mental health support,” O’Deniyi said.

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With suicide rates traditionally high in Limerick, Ms O’Deniyi said she is committed to taking proactive measures to address the root causes of mental health struggles and provide individuals with the tools they need to thrive.

“As a community, we have a responsibility to prioritise mental health and de-stigmatise seeking support,” the Fianna Fáil local election candidate added.

“By advocating for funding to integrate cafes within wellness hubs, we can create safe and supportive spaces where everyone feels valued and heard.

“These hubs would offer a variety of services such as fitness classes, counselling, nutritional guidance, and mindfulness workshops.”
