Ann & Steve Talk Stuff | Episode 64 | Final take on the DEM and the importance of voting

Having spoken on two previous episodes about the inaugural Directly Elected Mayor, that Limerick is spearheading, Ann and Steve discuss it one more time ahead of the election, especially for anyone who is a bit confused. They also look at the importance of informing yourself and using your vote at a time of corrosive disinformation.

Stephen and Ann also discuss the online election tool WhichCandidate –

WhichCandidate is an online platform that helps inform voters about which candidates best suit their values through a straight-forward questionnaire. It was co-developed by Dr Rory Costello, University of Limerick lecturer in Politics and Public Administration and an expert in European electoral and legislative politics.


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An artist – Ann Blake – and an economist – Stephen Kinsella – walk into a podcast to discuss odd things that make the world go round.
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