Large-scale Limerick development granted planning permission on appeal

A computer generated image of what the development on the Golf Links Road in Monaleen could look like.

A LARGE-scale residential development in the Castletroy area of Limerick City has been given the go ahead following an appeal by local residents.

Developer Philip Collins was granted permission by Limerick City and County Council for a development of 122 residential homes on the Golf Links Road earlier this year, despite residents resisting the injection of new housing and telling the Limerick Post that the Castletroy area is “bursting at the seams”.

The development would have retained an existing property on the site, bringing the total number of homes in the development to 123.

The planning decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála, who this past week made their ruling that the development should go ahead, subject to revised conditions.

The An Bord Pleanála (ABP) inspector’s report stated that the development should be cut from 123 units to 113, by omitting a proposed apartment block and instead using the area as green space.

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The board also stipulated that Unit 95 in the development be omitted.

ABP’s grant of permission was subject to 25 other conditions, including that a proposed crèche on the site be built before any of the residential units are occupied.

Other conditions include that bat boxes be provided along the tree lines to conserve the bat population on the site, that all electrical, internet, and service cables be located underground, and that at least 10 per cent of the parking spaces serving the apartments be equipped with electric vehicle charging points.

Speaking to the Limerick Post last December, a spokesman for the residents association in the area said that “we don’t have enough schools out in this area, both Monaleen and Milford are busting at the seams with people trying to get their kids in there”.

“We’ve no Garda station, the amount of thefts going on out here at the moment is crazy. And, as I said to the TDs that were there, ‘when is enough, enough?'”
