Key position announced for Croom Family Centre

The Croom Family Resource Centre.

CROOM Family Resource Centre is to get a Clinical and Therapeutic Lead post, one of eight announced by the Child and Family Agency, Tusla, this past week.

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, welcomed the announcement by Tusla of the establishment of the posts that will benefit eight family resource centres (FRCs) around the country, ensuring there is a Clinical and Therapeutic Lead in all six Tusla regions.

The new post will enable development of therapeutic specialisms, responding to needs as they emerge, expand the counselling service to offer additional counselling hours, and expand play therapy services

Minister O’Gorman said that he “would like to acknowledge the excellent work that Tusla colleagues have put into making these Clinical and Therapeutic Lead posts a reality”.

“I am a long-time admirer of the vast range of work done by FRCs in communities around the country, and I have personally witnessed the positive impact FRCs have on their communities.”

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The Minister added that “we know that the needs of communities can be complex, challenging and ever-changing. In this context the Clinical Lead posts will, I believe, positively impact on the ability of the FRCs to offer additional supports, and a particular focus will be on the development of quality services that are adapted to meet presenting and emerging needs.

“This will be additional to a range of administrative and governance duties that the Clinical Leads take on. I wish all the Clinical Leads the very best with their endeavours.”

In addition to the areas outlined by the Minister, it is expected that the Clinical and Therapeutic Lead will secure space for qualified play therapists, and provide the opportunity for creative group therapy sessions to take place

They will also supporting parents of the children attending play therapy, offer crisis management for people in immediate
distress, provide the opportunity for people to avail of initial assessment to identify the best type of intervention/support for them and offer alternative support in the interim while waiting for counselling allocation. They will also be working to reduce waiting lists.
