Adare residents and businesses invited to view flood relief plans

Adare village.

RESIDENTS, businesses, and any other affected parties in Adare have been invited to an event organised by Limerick City and County Council this Wednesday to reveal proposed flood relief plans.

As part of the ongoing development of a viable Flood Relief Scheme (FRS) for Adare,  the council, in conjunction with the Office of Public Works and environmental and engineering consultants Ryan Hanley, invited members of the public, local businesses, stakeholders, and interested parties to attend the public participation day to present the emerging preferred technically viable option for the Adare FRS.

This follows on from feedback received at the previous initial public
consultation event which was held in November 2023.

The scheme has considered an extensive list of potential flood
management measures and the purpose of the public participation day is to provide interested parties with an overview of the emerging preferred technically viable option and an opportunity to engage with the project team and share feedback.


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A brochure and related documentation will be distributed locally in advance of the proposed meeting.

The event will take place in the Adare Community Hall (V94 V0Y0) on Wednesday May 29 from 4pm to 7.30pm.

Further information is available on
