Marius Garage, Car Repairs and Services formerly Dock Road Limerick have moved to their new premises at Unit 5, Roxboro Enterprise Centre, Rathbane North, Limerick. Find them with eircode – V94 YK46.
They are opposite Brendan Walsh Tyres and adjacent to the Maldron Hotel
All repairs and servicing requirements including Maintenance, Brakes and Suspension, Transmission, Engine
Repair, Computer Check, DPF / EGR / Ad Blue Repairs and Pre NCT.
Unit 5, Roxboro Enterprise Centre, Rathbane North, Limerick, V94 YK46 Telephone 085 1617767
See mariusgarage.com for more information.
Marius Garage, Car Repairs and Services are currently recruiting for a Service Manager. Applications to [email protected]