VOTERS now have no doubt about what Independent candidate John Moran will achieve if he is elected as mayor. He has now delivered a manifesto with over 60 pages to explain his compelling but credible multt-dimenstonal vision for Limerick city and county.
His draft mayoral programme contains over 300 very specific and measurable examp;es of actions he is committing to over the five year term. Details at www.johnmoran.ie
The final pillar “A More Healthy Limerick” was explained at an event in the Deebert House Hotel in Kilmallock and discussed during a panel discussion with John Webb O’Rourke (Health Services), Ian Hackett (Mental Health) and Nadie Atalla (Food Economics).
He has been actively canvassing to explain his manifesto all across the country. But true to form, also turned up to support many other Riverfest events, the Limerick Hurlers and residents of Athlunkard Street.