SAMARITANS are launching a major volunteer recruitment campaign to encourage Night Owls to get involved and help change people’s lives.
Samaritans operate a 24-hour emotional support helpline, 116 123, with volunteers from Limerick and Tipperary among those answering calls overnight. The branch is appealing to people to consider training to become a nighttime volunteer.
Volunteer and night owl Ann Barron says that covering a night duty with Samaritans is very rewarding.
“Callers need to talk to someone, they often need to pour their heart out. Calls also tend to be longer because the caller is unlikely to be disturbed and darkness also brings on dark thoughts,” she said.
“Nights suit me better for lots of reasons. Traffic is very much lighter so it’s easier to get to the branch and I’m in the lucky position where I can sleep day or night.”
Lorraine Thornbury, Limerick Tipperary Branch Director, said that “being a volunteer is very rewarding and you really feel like you are giving something back. Just to be there for someone’s hour of need is a special experience.”
“No qualification is needed to be a Samaritans volunteer. You don’t have to be an expert, just being there to listen and showing you care can help. We let people know they’re not a burden and there’s always someone they can turn to, day or night.”
To sign up, visit samaritans.ie/volunteer.