Limerick man’s roars and shouting brought Gardaí to his door, judge hears

Judge Patricia Harney

A MURROE man was the cause of Gardaí being called to his own front door as he was “roaring and shouting” and very drunk, a judge was told.

Ronan Ryan (20), of 13 Gilmartin Park, Murroe, County Limerick, pleaded guilty before Kilmallock District Court to a charge under the Public Order Act.

The court heard evidence from a Garda called to the scene that he was “very intoxicated, roaring and shouting outside his own house”.

The incident happened at 12.50am on July 9 last, the Garda said, adding that Mr Gilmartin was issued with a ticket for a fine which remained unpaid.


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Mr Gilmartin’s solicitor, Michael O’Donnell, told Judge Patricia Harney that his client “wishes to apologise. He is very sorry for his behaviour.”

Judge Harney heard that the accused man has a previous conviction for public order.

She asked the Garda if he had been co-operative and the Garda replied that he was. Mr O’Donnell put it to the Garda witness that his client “was loud but he was not abusive”, to which the Garda agreed.

Judge Harney fined Mr Ryan €150.
