Childcare careers expo highlights job opportunities across Limerick

Donal Fahy, DSP, Marie McElhnney, Laura Sheehan, Rosie Moore, Anne Delaney, Majella Ryan and Kate Murphy Orgainsers of the Limerick Childcare Committee Employment Careers Expo at the Southcourt Hotel.

LAST Wednesday, Limerick Childcare Committee, in collaboration with the Employer Relations Unit of the Department of Social Protection, held a Childcare Employment and Careers Expo in the South Court Hotel as part of Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival 2024.

The aim of the event was to have employers from the Early Years and School Age Childcare sector in one place to advise prospective employees on job opportunities locally.

Eight childcare services from Limerick City attended along with six from the county, as well as organisations advising on further education courses, third level courses, internships, and CE schemes in the sector.

Information was also available for those considering becoming a childminder in their own homes.


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Organisers said the event was a great opportunity for jobseekers and those considering changing career to connect with employers and support organisations.
