Adare Day Centre to mark 30 years of Alzheimer’s Tea Day

Bryan Murray and Una Crawford O'Brien at the launch of the 30th anniversary of Alzheimer’s Tea Day. Photo: Sasko Lazarov

ADARE Day Centre will host a tea morning next week to mark 30 years of the Alzheimer’s Tea Day.

May 2 will see Adare Day Centre open its doors to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland’s annual fundraising day.

Manager of Adare Day Centre Ann Reidy said: “We are delighted to be hosting a tea day at the Adare branch of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland to mark the 30th anniversary of Tea Day which will help support our service users, their families and carers.”

The Alzheimer’s Tea Day takes place on Thursday May 2 from 10am to 2pm.

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