Wayfinding Strategy contractor appointment a good sign for Limerick

Labour Party councillor Joe Leddin has welcomed the appointment of a wayfinding strategy for Limerick. Photo: Brendan Gleeson.

LABOUR councillor Joe Leddin has welcomed the appointment of contractors to deliver a new Wayfinding Strategy for Limerick.

Included in the new strategy is the removal of outdated signage, including street and directional signage, with 57 signs currently removed from our streets and roads.

The strategy will include also the area representing the entire metropolitan area to ensure consistency and accuracy with signage.

“Unfortunately to date there has been little or no coordination in the placement of signage throughout the city,” Cllr Leddin claimed.

“Many signs vary in size, colour, and design and can have the opposite effect in terms of confusing people especially those signs that are now outdated.”

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The overall objective of the new Wayfinding Strategy is to deliver a project to replace the existing wide variety of wayfinding signs with a signage of a unified and consistent design and language to minimise visual impact.

“The consistency in terms of design and size of new signage will also ensure that both locals and visitors to our city will be able to easily navigate around the city when looking for areas such as our medieval or Georgian areas, and the plan will also deliver coordination with other infrastructure projects including new bus and cycle routes,” Cllr Leddin explained.

“With the advances in technology and people now using many other digital applications to find their way around the reality is that we need less signage which will help in improving the visual attractiveness of our city.”
