Limerick Fine Gael campaigner calls for legislation on electric scooters

Fine Gael election candidate Richard Delaney.

FINE Gael campaigner and 2024 Local Election hopeful for Limerick City North, Richard Delaney, is calling for more stringent regulations to be legislated around electric scooters.

Mr Delaney, a driving instructor in Limerick City, has raised concerns that the proposed government legislation on electric scooters, to be introduced this year, does not go far enough.

The main crux of the legislation for Mr Delaney is that all e-scooters that are unable to travel greater than 25km/h will not require tax and insurance.

“These machines are battery powered, similar to cars. So, if you need a licence to drive an electric car, the owners and riders of all e-scooters and electric bikes should have one too, and therefore they should be trained and tested in their use,” he told the Limerick Post.


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According to figures released by An Garda Síochána, e-scooters have been involved in over 1,300 traffic incidents in the last two and a half years on Irish roads and streets.

This, Mr Delaney insists, emphasises the need for training courses to be organised by the RSA for all e-scooters with a permit being issued only on completion.

The owners of these vehicles, he added, should have to register them and pay road tax and third party insurance to protect members of the public and other road users if they are involved in a road traffic incident.

“The situation that exists at present is untenable and unfair on motorists who have to foot the bill for any claims that occur at present.”

Mr Delaney is also of the view that there is a need to regulate the build quality and manufacture standards of electric scooters being allowed into the country and those being used on Irish roads, for rider and public safety.

“There needs to be legislation put in place that fines the users of these vehicles for riding on footpaths and for not wearing helmets and hi-viz jackets, which is standard safety equipment that should be worn,” he added.

“Similar legislation needs to be put in place regarding the use of all electric bikes as they are becoming more popular. These bikes are often as powerful as their petrol equivalent and therefore these riders also need regulation, training, and insurance, similar to their e-scooter counterparts.”
