Councillor claims traffic louder than prayers in Limerick town

Councillor Fergus Kilcoyne has grave concerns over noise pollution.

INDEPENDENT councillor Fergus Kilcoyne has requested that sound barriers be installed from Mount Earl Bridge in Adare and continued through Patrickswell.

According to Cllr Kilcoyne, many residents cannot sleep because of noise pollution from the nearby motorway because of trees being felled for the new Foynes rail line.

He also claims that funeral prayers cannot be heard at gravesides in Patrickswell due to the traffic noise.

“The numerous trees removed along this stretch of rail line had previously helped reduce the noise level off the motorway,” the City West representative said this week.


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Cllr Kilcoyne is now requesting, through a motion to be lodged with Limerick City and County Council, that sound barriers be put in place and a smoother road resurface be put on the motorway in the area to reduce the noise level which, he claims, has been done elsewhere and proved effective.

“Residents in Patrickswell have also expressed concerns because when prayers are being held at funerals in St Mary’s graveyard in the village itโ€™s very hard to hear the priest because of this added motorway noise,” he told the Limerick Post.

Cllr Kilcoyne says he has also spoken to local Minister of State Niall Collins about the issue and is hoping that his prayers will be heard.

“He has confirmed that he will get in touch with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and Irish Rail to immediately address this most concerning issue for the residents living here.”
