Sean Moylan Irish Revolutionary written and performed by Michael Patric

IRISH Revolutionary with Michael Patric plays at  St. John’s Church, Knockainey on Saturday February 10.

This play is one man’s account of key events during this period.  A man who sacrificed, suffered, and risked his life for his country.  It is a tribute to him and to all who volunteered, many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice, and to their families who bear it.

Michael Patric (writer & performer) has worked in Ireland & North America, in film, television, theatre, animation and radio.  He has worked extensively in Irish theatre.  Credits include, The Good Father, Conversations on a Homecoming, This Ebony Bird, The Dead man’s Beard and The Playboy of the Western World. His recent TV / film credits include, An Cailin Ciuin (Cine4), Harry Wild (RTE), Mother (RTE) And Frontier (Netflix).

The subject of this play, Sean Moylan gave a detailed account of his memory of the War of Independence to the Bureau of Military History which gives us a clear insight into the mind of a revolutionary leader.  It is precise, passionate, funny and painful.


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There is an understandable reluctance to talk about the period of time from 1918 to 1923, but after one hundred years shouldn’t we be able to discuss and pass on what is on record?

This play is one man’s account of key events during this period.  A man who sacrificed, suffered, and risked his life for his country.  It is a tribute to him and to all who volunteered, many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice, and to their families who bear it.

“The men who fought the War of Independence were neither adventurers nor professional soldiers to whom revolution was the breath of life, they were men who left their peaceful vocations in a patriotic desire to serve their country, they expected neither reward nor recognition.”
