Green Party local election candidate calling for improved maintenance of city centre

Green Party local election candidate Peter Spence has called on the Council to focus on the maintenance of the city centre.

GREEN Party local election candidate for Limerick City West, Peter Spencer, is calling on the Council to focus on the maintenance of the city centre at this time of year.

Mr Spencer warned that with leaves falling and being left to create a mulch on pathways, cycle lanes, and steps, it creates a significant risk to pedestrians and cyclists.

The physiotherapist told the Limerick Post that always at this time of year he “would see an increase in patients breaking wrists, ankles, shoulders after falls”.

“Elderly people that slip on this surface are particularly vulnerable to traumatic hip fractures which requires major surgery”.


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This, he says, is completely avoidable if the leaves were cleared in a timely manner.

“The staff of UHL and Croom have enough patients to care for at the moment without adding unnecessarily to their already complex workload,” he said.

“Having walked the three bridges, there were areas that it seemed were simply not being maintained. In particular, moss has been allowed to take over the boardwalk and leaves accumulate from Shannon Bridge up to and surrounding the Terry Wogan statue on Harvey’s Quay.

“Not only is it a public safety issue but coming into Christmas, I feel it’s really important to have our city looking well so we can all take pride in it. I would urge the city council to prioritise the regular maintenance of the city centre for the safety and liveability of our beautiful city.”

There was no response from Limerick City and County Council at the time of going to print regarding the issue.
