Public called to have say on Wickham St to Clare St Active Travel Scheme

The proposed Active Travel scheme from Wickham Street to Clare Street.

A PUBLIC information session will take place at the Strand Hotel in Limerick City on Tuesday December 19 on Active Travel proposals to connect Wickham Street and Clare Street in the city centre.

The proposals would connect the Colbert Station Quarter to Park Canal and the University of Limerick via a pedestrian and cycle facility. The link would additionally facilitate onward Active Travel connections to the National Technology Park in Castletroy, Annacotty, Castleconnell, and Scarriff. 

The upcoming information session, which runs between 6pm and 8pm on Tuesday December 19, follows a round of non-statutory public consultation which was held between April 26 and May 24 of this year. 

As part of the continued progression of the project, work has been ongoing on compiling an Economic Assessment Report on each of the proposed routes for the works. This work, which is being conducted by a third party outside of Limerick City and County Council (LCCC), has involved directly engaging with businesses on the proposed roots in the form of questionnaires and surveys. 


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Items being considered in the economic assessment include existing trade in the areas concerned and how trade may  be impacted by the implementation of the proposed scheme. 

The Active Travel team in Limerick City and County Council, which is tasked with delivering the project, has also been continuing work on traffic surveys and parking surveys on the proposed routes over the past number of months.  

“Work on the project has now advanced to a stage whereby it’s appropriate for the team to ensure all stakeholders are fully informed about its current status as we head into 2024,” said Senior Engineer with the Council’s Active Travel team, Sean McGlynn.

“I would encourage all of those with an interest in the future direction of the city centre’s transport infrastructure to ensure they are fully briefed on where the project stands by availing of this public information session.

“Following this event, it’s anticipated a second non-statutory public consultation session will be held in early 2024, to once again gather further important feedback from stakeholders.”

Members of the public are invited to attend the information session on the progression of the proposals on Tuesday December 19, between 6pm and 8pm at the Strand Hotel.
