No site available for cricket crease in Limerick City West

Limerick Social Democrats Councillor Elisa O'Donovan.

SOCIAL Democrats councillor Elisa O’Donovan has asked Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) for an update on funding allocated towards a cricket crease in 2019 and if a site has been identified for same.

In response to Cllr O’Donovan at this month’s Metropolitan area meeting, senior executive engineer Aidan Finn told council members that a review of green spaces in Limerick City West was carried out to see whether cricket could be accommodated.

“There is no green space available at present that can accommodate a cricket crease in Limerick City West,” he revealed.

“The Regeneration Sports and Recreation Directorate intends to meet with representatives of Limerick cricket teams this month on the subject of playing spaces across the city and county.”


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