RESIDENTS and road users of Shelbourne Road need to be aware of the proposed development works being made by the Active Travel Department of Limerick City and County Council at Gaelscoil Sáirséal on the Shelbourne Road.
That’s according to Fine Gael Local Election candidate for Limerick City North, Richard Delaney. Speaking to the Limerick Post this week, Mr Delaney claimed that residents did not have their fears and concerns answered at an open drop in session, held by Council staff on October 25.
The proposed works include extending the width of the existing footpath from 2m to 4m for shared pedestrian and cycle use; setback existing Gaelscoil Sáirséal boundary wall by 2m and new boundary wall to the back of the extended footpath to match the existing. It is also proposed to relocate the existing school gate to align with the new boundary wall as well as new pedestrian school entrance and existing pencil bollards and planters from the ‘school zone’ to be retained and treatment extended to Hassett’s Cross
Mr Delaney says that the residents of the area that he has spoken to have outlined their concerns in relation to the proposed changes.
Among the concerns raised to him were that a shared cycle and pedestrian path will not be a safe option for pedestrians.
“The cycle path must physically finish at the school. A sign to say it has finished is not adequate as cyclists will still be able to continue on the existing footpath and be a danger to pedestrians and motorists trying to enter and leave their homes on Shelbourne Road,” he explained.
The Fine Gael Local Elections hopeful also pointed out that the proposed new pedestrian entrance to the school has to be moved towards the Hassett’s Cross end, away from the residents of Grianvar Terrace and Shelbourne Road.
He continued: “The existing pencil bollards and planters are not adequate protection for children and vulnerable adults in the vicinity of the school entrances and pedestrian crossing from traffic and a steel railing needs to be reinstalled.
“The existing planter boxes are not being maintained and are prone to vandalism, with plants being pulled out of them and thrown on to the road and footpaths.”
Mr Delaney, who will be making a submission on behalf of residents before the November 17 deadline, also said that if the right turning lane (for three cars) is being taken away from the traffic lights at Hassett’s Cross to accommodate the cycle lane; then the right turning filter arrow there, needs to be left in place, to avoid further traffic gridlock on Shelbourne Road.
“Emergency vehicles will have great difficulty navigating through the Hassett’s Cross Junction if the right lane is taken away,” he concluded.
In response a spokesperson for Active Travel said: “A Part 8 planning application in respect of the proposed Gaelscoil Sairseal scheme was lodged on Thursday, 19th October 2023, with plans and particulars available for inspection up to and including Friday, 17th November 2023.
“Submissions from the public under this statutory process are open until Monday, December 4, 2023.
“Submissions received during this process will be responded to and contained in detail in the Scheme’s report for consideration by the Chief Executive, pursuant to Section 179 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 and Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001.
The report will then be considered by elected members of the Metropolitan district in line with statutory processes.”