Limerick teenagers to showcase artwork with Helium Arts at City Gallery

Helium Arts artisit Chelsea Canavan and Heliun Arts CEO Helene Hugel with Participants Henrietta Longstaff, Galway, Tiernan Sheehan, Limerick, Ruth Cotter, Cork and Sophie Neville, Cork with their exhibition pieces for the ‘Helium Arts Youth Showcase’ 2023, which is a multi-location exhibition series showcasing artworks created by young people living with lifelong physical conditions, with events taking place in Cork, Limerick, Galway. Photo: Eamon Ward

TEENAGERS with lifelong health conditions will highlight the benefits of creativity for their wellbeing at a free Limerick exhibition starting November 18 and running until December 3.

The national arts and health charity Helium Arts is showcasing artworks at Limerick City Gallery of Art (LCGA).

The ‘Helium Arts Youth Showcase’ will display artworks by teenagers with lifelong physical health conditions from Limerick and across the region, who have been participating in a programme of Saturday meetups and art camps throughout 2023, organised by Helium Arts, including at its Limerick hub.

An accompanying ‘Sharing Day’ for family and friends is taking place on Saturday, November 25 from 2.30 to 4.30pm.


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