Sheehan welcomes passage of Corbally Road Safe Routes to School Part 8

Labour Party Councillor Conor Sheehan

LABOUR councillor Conor Sheehan has welcomed the passage of the Corbally Road Safe Routes to School Part 8 planning application at the October Metropolitan Meeting of the Council.

The proposed development is located along the Corbally Road on the northside of Limerick City and runs along the southeast perimeter of Scoil Íde and St Munchin’s College.

The existing zebra crossing near Athlunkard Bridge is to be raised to control speed. Segregation between the shared path and Corbally Road will also be provided by varying finished surface levels and the introduction of soft landscaping features, such as low level planting, Irish hedgerow species and tree species.

Speaking after the Part 8 passed unanimously, Cllr Sheehan said: “I am delighted to finally see this Part 8 application come before us and be passed unanimously. This is something that will make the drop off and collection area outside Scoil Íde much safer than it is. The drop off and collection area outside Scoil Íde is extremely dangerous and it is a miracle that a child has not been knocked down or even killed.”


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The works will involve widening the footpaths at both sides of the Corbally Road, as well as raising the existing crossings to slow traffic, junction tightening at Roseville Gardens junction, Lanahrone Avenue junction and St Munchin’s College junction to reduce the speed of vehicles, and increasing the kerb height along both sides of Corbally Road from 125mm to 300mm to prevent illegal parking.

There are 209 students who live within 1km of Scoil Íde and when the parents of these children were surveyed last year, 82.4 per cent saw road safety as a problem outside the school and 96.2 per cent of parents wanted improved walking and cycling routes,” the City North representative explained.

“These works, combined with the Mill Road Active Travel Scheme of which a contractor is due to be imminently appointed, mean that the majority of children in Corbally will now have a safe segregated route to walk and cycle to school. I am very hopeful that a contractor will be appointed as soon as possible and that work can begin without delay.”