Homeless man slept in a city bin

Limerick Sinn Féin TD Maurice Quinlivan

HOMELESS services are so stretched in Limerick City that one man in need of a bed had to sleep in a bin.

That was the shocking picture painted by a member of one of the homeless teams who spoke about the desperation on the streets to Limerick TD Maurice Quinlivan.

The Sinn Féin TD told the Limerick Post that he received the information from an unnamed source in the homeless provision sector at a recent constituency clinic.

The services worker was discussing the Temporary Emergency Provision Plan for people who have nowhere to go and the annual provision of a number of extra ‘cold weather’ beds.


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“This is an appalling situation,” the TD said of the revelation that a man had to sleep in a bin.

“We’ve seen a situation before where a man died because he was sleeping in a bin and he was dumped into a refuse collection lorry.

“And the winter beds plan that has just been announced won’t make things any better. There are eight winter beds coming on stream but 20 or more people are being turned away from the hostels every night because there isn’t room.”

The Limerick TD described the homeless provision in the city as “not fit for purpose. There are people sleeping on the streets because they have just come out of alcohol or drug rehab and they can’t risk being in a hostel where people are drinking or using drugs and that is happening in the hostels.”

Another person visiting the TD’s clinic said that when they had no bed to offer him, a member of the homeless services had directed him to go to the ED at University Hospital Limerick and sit there to get in out of the cold.

“I’m sure the service would deny that officially but I have no reason to doubt the man who told me that,” Deputy Quinlivan told the Limerick Post.

“We need to find out exactly how many people are sleeping rough and then make provision for that number, not just settle on a number of extra beds without knowing what the real need is,” he said.

A spokesman for the Council, who are responsible for the city homeless services, told the Limerick Post that “Limerick City and County Council are providing extra homeless service beds during the winter months to accommodate the needs presenting. As you can appreciate, homelessness is complex and challenging due to the transitory nature of clients.”

“The Council is empathetic to the needs of people presenting to homeless services and are working with service providers to address current need. Limerick City and County Council cannot comment on hearsay or third-hand information.”
