Soprano Celine Byrne brings a night of classical treasures to University Concert Hall this Sunday

Celine Byrne Photo: Kip Carroll

Celine Byrne is recognised nationally and internationally as one of opera’s greatest stars. She will perform at University Concert Hall this Sunday, October 22 in a night of classical treasures and she had a chat with Limerick Post Newspaper this week.

Joined by Cobhla Surlis, the voices of Cavan Cathedral Choir, under the guidance of musical director Eileen Tackney, this event promises to be a captivating celebration of classical music. 

Presented by TV presenter, Mary Kennedy, the night promises to be, “a journey through the timeless treasures of opera, operetta, cinema, musicals, and beyond.” Mary is compere for the evening, she will be chatting to the audience in between sets.

“She’s such an elegant lady, so it’s lovely to have her on board.”


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Limerickman Don Mescall, who is collaborating with Celine on her forthcoming studio album, will join the singer on stage. 

He’ll perform one of his songs and Celine will perform one of his original songs that he wrote for her new recording project.

Don’s studio is based in a 1800’s converted Church on the banks of Quivvy Lake, Co. Cavan.

Most of the songs being recorded are written by Don. There are also cover versions of ‘Send In The Clowns’ and ‘I Want to Know What Love Is’ by Foreigner.

“It’s not that I’m venturing out into a new area, it is just another string to my bow,” Celine explains

Hailing from Kildare, Celine Byrne is an acclaimed lyric soprano. 

She received her Masters in Music from the Royal Irish Academy of Music in 2007, where she studied with Dr. Veronica Dunne, also receiving the RIAM award for outstanding achievement. In addition, she has an honours Music Degree from the Conservatory of Music and Drama, Dublin, where she was awarded the college Gold Medal for excellence. 

In her diary for the next few months, she will perform at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre in November in the Puccini opera La bohème in the role of Mimi.

That’s followed by Christmas concerts and a New Year’s Day concert in the National Concert Hall with The National Symphony Orchestra and onwards to tour the US playing Carnegie Hall, New York.

“So a very busy season ahead and it’s wonderful to get the opportunity to sing in the University Concert Hall in Limerick because I haven’t sung there in a long time.”

It has been ten years in fact, her last performance in the Treaty City was in June 2013 with sopranos Regina Nathan and Cara O’Sullivan.

Very few will ever get to experience the sensation of singing and performing with a full orchestra in full flight, What is that like?

“It’s absolutely thrilling singing with an orchestra, I absolutely love opera. 

“It’s wonderful to do opera and to immerse yourself into another character to bring people into your world as you portray a character from a different era. I’m very thankful and grateful for the fact that I’m actually able to earn a living by doing something that I absolutely love.

“But I equally love to do concerts where I’m entertaining in a different way. 

“When I’m playing a character in a role in an opera. I’m drawing the audience into my world with my story. When I’m doing a concert I’m reaching out to people I’m singing for them. I needed to communicate on a different level where I’m bringing the music to them.”

Celine visited Milford Care Home last week with producer Don Mescall and met her many fans including Don’s mother, Babs (99).

Celine brought her wonderful voice to Limerick last week when she visited Milford Care Home to sing a song or two and then she met the pupils of St. Mary’s Secondary School in Ahane in the company of Don Mescall who attended that school. She chatted about her career with the Music Department run by Eleanor O’Meara.

From Ahane, Don ventured to London in the early 1990’s where his songwriting success has left its mark on the music world. Success came with ‘Road to Glory’ recorded by Eleanor Shanley, and later his songs found their way to artists like Frances Black, who has recorded nine of Don’s compositions.

“Don was the past pupil in Ahane, and you know, he’s gone on to do amazing things and he’s a wonderful producer who is wonderful to work with. Equally, my school in Nass, Saint Mary’s would be equally proud of me having been part of the school choir there and participating in school musicals and to always have been encouraged to do what I do and to follow my dreams.

“I‘m trying to do that now for the people that are studying music and are pursuing music in the future.”

Celine Byrne performs at University Concert Hall this Sunday, October 22. Tickets
