Sinn Féin hopeful hits out at Fine Gael attempts to ‘stay relevant’

Sinn Féin local election candidate Danielle O'Shea.

A WAR of words broke out this week after Fine Gael Senator Maria Byrne claimed that pensioners who have worked all their lives will be shunned by Sinn Féin.

Senator Byrne said she was surprised to hear that in the Opposition party’s alternative Budget, Sinn Féin propose to give €10 to pensioners but will reward other cohorts with higher payments, including those on job seekers’ payments by €15.

“To achieve a balanced, fair, and rewarding Budget, you need to strive for equity. Pensioners, who may be enjoying their retirement after providing for their families and loved ones, should be treated the same as others,” the Limerick politician warned.

“They have worked all their lives to provide a home for their families and should now be able to enjoy the benefits of that. They have contributed to this country and it’s economic wellbeing.


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“Yet Sinn Féin has them at the bottom of their magic money tree. Sinn Féin want to give pensioners €10 in their alternative Budget while other sectors benefit more. Why?

“Why are they so intent to punish pensioners in this fashion? Can they explain it?” Senator Byrne asked.

A Sinn Féin Local Election candidate for Limerick City East, Danielle O’Shea, was quick to respond, deeming Senator Byrne’s claims as a “desperate attempt to be relevant”.

“It seems that Senator Byrne has been reduced to the role of responding to the proposals of the opposition in a desperate effort to stay relevant,” Ms O’Shea told the Limerick Post.

“As a Limerick-based Senator, perhaps Ms Byrne could re-focus her energy and discuss with her Fine Gael party colleagues what they propose to do to address the disaster that is Limerick’s University Hospital.

“Her silence on the trolley crisis and capacity issues, that have a huge impact on our more senior citizens, is deafening. Last month there were over 2,000 people treated on trolleys at the hospital, a record.

“Perhaps Ms Byrne could address the waiting lists and cancelled elective surgeries at University Hospital Limerick,” O’Shea hit out.

The Local Elections candidate also took the view that the tactic of trying to pitch one cohort of social protection payment recipients against another is evidence of just how “desperate” Senator Byrne has become.

“This month we will see two increases in the cost of petrol and diesel. These are increases that will impact everybody but particularly those with little to no disposable income. Some of these people will be pensioners. Fine Gael seem to want to giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other.

“The Fine Gael failures in housing, in addressing the cost-of-living crisis, and in the mismanagement of our health service cannot be hidden. Attempts to distract from these failures with such a silly press statement that pits one against the other is a sad and desperate measure,” she concluded.
