STILL some distance out from another milestone anniversary of the GAA, but several of the current crop of Limerick players will make its Team of 1884-2034, according to Cork’s Dónal Óg Cusack.
“They’ve got generational players, which is probably the most important thing. The 150 year anniversary of the GAA will be in 11 years time and some of those Limerick players will be in the mix for all-time greats of the game,” he stated on The Sunday Game.
He continued: “There’s loads of different ways to play hurling and every great team brings their own way. Limerick have brought their way so someone will someone come up with a different way of taking them on? Because playing them at their own game hasn’t worked for anyone over the last couple of years.”
Added Cusack: “The great, great teams change the way sport is and from an overall standard Limerick have raised the bar well beyond everybody else over the last number of years. From a physicality point of view, a skill execution point of view.
He concluded: “Overall, as an organisation, they’ve raised the bar for everybody else. It’s not just something for Limerick to be proud of, I think they’re a massive asset to hurling itself the way they’ve gone about their business.”
Limerick have already been made 4/6 favourites to win the 2024 All-Ireland Championship, and thus become the game’s first-ever five-in-a-row kingpins.