Update sought on King’s Island Flood Relief Scheme

Limerick Green Party councillor Saša Saša Novak Uí Chonchuair.

GREEN Party councillor Saša Novak Uí Chonchúir has asked the Council for a progress update on the King’s Island Flood Relief Scheme and associated infrastructure development, such as a new pathway around St Mary’s Park.

She was informed that there is currently a conservation contractor on site carrying out test repairs to the quay walls on George’s Quay and the rear of the civic offices.

“Subject to OPW (Office of Public Works) approval, the project will be tendered in Q3 2023 with a contractor on site in Q1 2024.”

“The proposed works comprise a new landscaped flood defence embankment to the north of King’s Island with new public lighting and shared footpath/cycleway.”


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